About Nhu

I do not simply attempt to treat symptoms, nor do I treat diseases. I treat people. My focus in practicing TCM is holistic; I seek to understand the entire person and the health pattern they have. This philosophy has always resonated very deeply with me. As you will hear in the testimonial videos, the feedback I get from my patients speaks not only to the effectiveness of my treatments in getting the results they need, but to the safety, comfort and ease they feel when they come in for their appointments (especially if it was their first time having acupuncture). I am interested in being my patients' partner in meeting their complete health goals. With every opportunity I seek to empower my patients with education about their health and diagnosis. I offer frequent progress reports, give instruction on proper therapeutic stretching, answer the myriad questions they have, provide dietary counseling and explain the function of the herbal medicine I am prescribing so my patients may make informed, healthy choices and essentially continue their treatment when they are going about their daily lives.